Gola Peak, Sunday 13 April 2011

Two cars bearing seven people took us via Waikari, Hawarden, and along the Virginia Road to a generous car-parking space just past a dog-leg in the road at Pig Gully

The ridge route starts with tussock and a bit of matagouri then goes alongside a fenceline and then onto a vehicle track. Above that you’re going up a ridge of fairly rugged volcanic rock. On the way back we discovered more crude tracks that let you bypass some of the knobs and awkward bits of the ridge. Three quarters of the way to Gola we stopped and had lunch and decided we were well short of our quest. Pushing on we could see a white hut just below the peak. The hut is a little boxy affair with one window, one bunk, a locked door and plates and cups for 4 people. We sat on top of Gola enjoying the sunshine and considerable view all around. It was a novelty to look south and view mounts Grey and Thomas—seeing them from inland. The 720m descent to the cars was a simple matter of retracing our steps down the ridge. Impressive volcanic terrain and great views make this a worthwhile day trip.

We were: Margaret Clark, Joy Schroeder, Evelyn Barben, Yvette So, Debbie Rhode, John Robinson & Kerry Moore (KM)