Flagpole Hill
Sun 26 July 2015
Five PTC members set out from Christchurch for Whitecliffs with a little bit of uncertainty regarding the weather forecast. An hour and half after leaving the car in the farm at the end of Flagpole Road, we reached the summit Trig, having passed a couple of female pig hunters heading out with two pigs on the back of their quad bike. Unfortunately the view was spoiled by rain which had reached us from the west.
Nevertheless we headed down the back to the pine trees for lunch and shortly after leaving the summit, the sun came out and stayed out for the rest of the day. On the away back we had a short side-trip exploring a long horizontal mine-shaft. Although some of the walk was in pine forest and most on farm or forestry tracks, the views of snowy hills in the background and the pleasant scenery of the upper Selwyn River flats made for a very enjoyable tramp.
Thanks to Stuart for a great trip and his local knowledge of the surrounding terrain. (RB)