Mt Winterslow via Don’s Track
Monday 26th Oct 2015
The Labour Weekend, Freehold Creek – Dumb Bell Lake was cancelled with bad weather forecast. I was looking forward to camping up by Lake Ohau and exploring the tops. But Aarn and I did do Mt Winterslow on a warm, calm nor-west day. Walking from the Staveley end at 8.50am, we were soon up to the Don’s Track turn-off and an uneventful climb up to the bush-line, allowing me to check out which sections of the track need attention next. Arriving on top at 12.30pm, it was interesting to see the peak with no snow cover, but the view of the Old Man Range behind, was still impressive. A leisurely summer-like lunch followed. Back to the vehicle at 4.15pm, we had seen all sorts of people out for a little walk up the falls track in the lovely Labour Day weather. (Merv M)