Basins Hut, Avoca
July 30-31 2016
Saturday dawned with promise of a tramp to Basins Hut. As we got closer to Lake Coleridge, the rain got heavier and heavier. Not to be thwarted we continued on as the forecast was showers clearing. At the starting point of the tramp we had grave doubts as the small stream we had just crossed was a torrent charging under the bridge, and the sky very dark. Not fancying being stuck on the far side of the Avoca river (even if we could cross it) we decide another hut would be preferable. So with much thought, 13 mile Bush and Ben More Hut was decided on.
When we got there the weather was fine - but not to last. The track was what you would call muddy! The actual track was fortunately only 2 hours, but as it was nearly lunch time when started! we were grateful it was short. We reached the lovely old A frame 3-4 bunk hut after a wet trek in. Thanks to Bruce who got the fire going, and he and Norman who kept it going through most of the night, we were fairly snug. Outside it froze though, so the return journey was actually nearly as muddy, and thick ice puddles on the 4 WD track at the end. We passed an Avon TC group on our way out and a farmer who had a hand in keeping that track maintained. All in all a successful weekend. The key song should have been: "Mud, mud, glorious mud. Nothing quite like it but trampers in mud" ! We were: Keith and Marion McQuillan, Bruce Cameron and Norman Burden. (MM)