Hurunui Peak
Sunday 19 Feb 2017
While Chch had a grey day our eight were enjoying a sunny walk inland from Culverden. We parked at Korari Downs and quickly got reaquinted with the farm dogs. We were aware of their antics from last year. The lab arrived with a pine cone and dropped it at Norman’s feet. Norman understood the gesture and threw the cone for the enthusiastic dog. This game could have gone on and on if we’d obliged but we had a walk in mind. The other farm dog, a small mut wasn’t athletic at all. It lay at our feet and wanted its tummy scratched.
Going up the farm track wasn’t difficult but we needed a few cool-off breaks. Geoff, our leader and guide had promised we would see what’s visible of a diatreme, a volcanic pipe caused by a gaseous explosion. On the 937m hill-top we studied a rock sample Geoff chipped off as we munched on our sandwiches. Sorry Geoff but I was hoping for something more dramatic than a chip off a common-looking rock. I do admit the chip’s structure told an explosive story.
Hurunui Peak gives a great view of Balmoral Forest and the big area of farmland containing Waikari and Hawarden. Inland there are the Dove and Mandamus Rivers. 1615m Mt Tekoa and 1704m Mt Skedaddle also beckon.
We were: Geoff Price, Dorota Giejsztowt, Diane Mellish, Andy Duck, S P Wang, Norman Burden, Gavin Chalk, Kerry Moore. (KM)