Stony Bay Peak
Sunday 12 Aug 2017
Wendy offered to lead this trip when we were doing our annual trip plan and true to her word she gathered with eight fellow trampers at PMH on the day. A left turn from main-street (Rue Lavaud) at the BNZ bank and up Rue Balguerie took us to the the start of Purple Peak Road. Curious calves looked over the fence as we put our boots on, and set off up the sealed road to a gate where the commercial Peninsula Track starts.
A large display board shows an array of tracks in the area. Purple Peak and S-B Peak loomed large as we reached the little shelter near the saddle and headed up the spur track that winds around the east side of our 806m quest.
The western, Akaroa side, looks formidable and is definitely not a tramping route. The peak’s top is quite gorse-covered as is the track that leads towards Flag Peak. The gorse has made a vigorous come-back after a big fire in 2011. We joined the track that runs north below the peak then on to the Purple Peak track and down towards Akaroa. Passing flowering tree lucerne, we were entertained by ten wood pigeons feasting on the flowers and not in a hurry to flee from us.
Back at the cars the calves were still looking on as we took our boots off. Our group drove down to Rue Lavaud and away. That night the predicted rain came and Akaroa suffered serious flooding.
Our nine were: Wendy Wallace (our genial leader) S-P Wang, Kim Ashmore, Matthew Beuzenberg, Norman Burden, Jill Fenner, Helen Harkness, Dorota Giejsztowt, Kerry Moore (KM)