Five plus two went to Mt. Grey
18 November 2018
Evelien and her 3 year old German shepherd ‘Mischa’ collected Joy, Sabina and Helen from Cranford St. We met John at the Grey River picnic area with Bob his 12 week old Border Collie puppy, who kept us amused all day.
The forestry access road was in excellent order so after ‘meeting and greeting’, we walked back down it, crossing the concrete bottom ford to the start of the Mt. Grey track. This is classed by DOC as a "Walking track" and is more gently graded than the Red Beech track, which is classed as a "Tramping track".
Apart from two cheerful cyclists, the only noise was the buzz of bees enjoying the honeydew on the beech trees. The lack of wasps may be due to the bee hives on the roadside close to where our track began.
Evelien had attended the last PTC meeting when Ian Roxburgh explained Smart phone mapping systems. She had downloaded Ian's own app map viewer and this was a great opportunity to try it out. With rain forecast for 6 pm, we lunched on top in case it came early, arriving at the trig at 12.30. We took 3 hours rather than the suggested 2hrs.30 mins.
Several small groups appeared and joined our lunch party. At our sunny spot, a lively wind did spring up about 1.30 so we moved briskly across the open top to head down Red Beech track and its sheltering trees. It was rougher than the Mt. Grey track, with lumpy rocks and windfalls. Crossing the narrow Grey River meant getting wet boots unless you could balance on the rocks, or take their boots off (not looking at anyone!) Little Bob amazed us all. Often he would rest his paws on a log, watch someone get over a windfall, then copy, rather than pass underneath.
A brief stop to inspect the historic Possumers' hut then another half hour before we popped out into the picnic area and our cars. It was about 4.15 and the weather still good. Our 5 plus 2 were tired but happy. Oh, Evelien gave the thumbs up to Ian's app. Thanks Evelien. We really enjoyed our day.
We were: Evelien Baas (leader), Joy Schroeder, Sabina Crellin, John Robinson, and Helen Harkness. (HH)