Og Gog Magog
12 August 2018
Og, Gog and Magog are only 825, 924 and 930 metre hills but there is enough down between them to make this a worthy day trip.
Views to the Craigieburns, Mt Misery, Mt White Station and the broad Waimakariri River valley are most attractive. The descent from Gog is quite steep so most of the team took a NE spur before approaching Og number three. From Magog we back-tracked a short way then headed for the road to be met by one of our drivers, thus saving a 5km road walk.
A good day out, led by Stuart Payne in the company of Helen Harkness, Joy Schroeder, Jane Severn, Ian Beale, Liz & Hugh Conly, Kyung Sang Lee, Douglas Woods, Diane Dixon, Jill Fenner, Mohammed Ayat and Kerry Moore. (KM)