Faust – Boyle Flat Hut
12-13 September 2020
We wanted to do an anti-clockwise circuit, but the forecast dictated that we do the high stage on Day one. Our five climbed the forest track in cool conditions, getting to the bush-line before noon. The wind was brisk so we had an early lunch while still sheltered, then with coats on, ventured forth. Underfoot was fresh, powdery snow, mostly in the lea of tussocks and rocks. Even higher up, we could walk on snow or solid ground. On Faust, the wind discouraged stops and any idea of walking up Mephistopheles was discarded. On the spur leading to the Boyle River, Doug had been advised to divert a little to the left which got us out of the wind, but seemed unnecessary. At the bush edge, we relished a 15 minute sunny sit-down with no wind. The forest track to the hut is clearly marked and well maintained.
At the hut by 5pm, our five shared the hut with three other small groups, including a couple who’d come via Faust with us. Helen and Bridget cooked fancy food for themselves while Doug assembled a tasty rice meal with bacon bits, cheese sauce and veges for three. Bridget provided the evening entertainment with a game of quiddler, a scrabble-like game played with a special deck of playing cards. Warning: Bridget is proficient and won, though she was good enough to help us newbies to build high-scoring words.
After a clear, starry night, Sunday morning dawned overcast. Because Doug is an early riser we were away from Boyle Flat Hut at 7:30 and got to Boyle Village before noon. After an early lunch we motored to the shop and cafe at Culverden, then home by mid-afternoon.
We were: Doug Forster (leader) Helen Binnie, Bridget Barclay, Shiping Wang and Kerry Moore. (KM)
Approaching Faust. Mephistopheles to the left. Photo courtesy of Shiping Wang.